Monday, May 28, 2012

From Eden to Egypt

I’m in Genesis again. Always in Genesis, it seems.

From Eden to Egypt. I get it. I think. Maybe a little bit.

For I started in Eden. Some of my toughest days involved a serpent as I stared and wrote and deleted and stared at a screen again. What was it I heard? What did God say? What is the difference between a whisper and a hiss? I don’t think I know.

God worked then, as He does, in the beginning of things. That’s where He starts as the Beginning of all things. And now I am in Egypt. Famine. Seeking food. For my soul and my heart so empty right now.

I need to talk with Joseph. Maybe he knows what God’s been up to. Maybe he can help me see what I do not understand as I sit and shake my head full of regret. Do I know anything about prayer? Do I really know anything about listening?

I fear I do not. I fear that my time in Egypt is a waste.

Prison to Palace? Can it be true? Did it really happen that way?

“Do not be afraid…You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good.”

Good. Always good. In Eden and in Egypt. For in between He gives dreams. Small glimpses, even when we don’t understand the part about the stars in the night sky when we first wake.

What is it they say? It’s always darkest before the dawn? The sun must set to rise? Paradise in the breaking of a new day. A Genesis.

And God said, “Let there be light.”

Is there an Exodus on the next page? 

1 comment:

Heather said...

Wandering, wandering. And at some point, you may wrestle with God.