An exciting thing happened to me this week.
But…before I get to it, I want to tell you a quirky little
thing about me: I love anything related to spiritual formation. The term
“spiritual formation” is based on the passage where Paul tells the Galatians
that he longs to see “Christ formed in you” (Galatians 4:19).
Spiritual formation is not something we do. The Holy Spirit
transforms our lives into the image of the Son, in His own timing and His own
way. As we wait for His work, we trust and make space for Him to move. One way
to create room is by spiritual disciplines or practices, such as daily prayer, Scripture
reading, or worship.
Along the way, we also need intentional relationships. Many
of us have valuable relationships with close friends or mentors. In addition,
it’s possible to seek out a spiritual director to help us notice where God is
moving and working in our lives. Spiritual directors provide space for
listening and honest connection with God.
This is where my love for spiritual formation merges with my
life in a practical way. Over the last few years, I’ve sensed a “tug” to offer
this kind of purposeful relationship to other people. I’m thinking of becoming a
certified spiritual director. A spiritual director meets with individuals but
also offers direction to groups in settings such as retreats and workshops.
Honestly, I don’t know if this is the right thing for me. I
can say I want to be a director but I haven’t had much of a chance to be a
directee first. Most programs, whether graduate degree or certification,
require one to sit under a director at some point in the course. (Creighton
University even requires their applicants to have sat under a director for two
years prior to applying.)
When I was in Colorado, I considered seeking out a spiritual
director. I had connections to both directors and programs there. For various
reasons, it never fell into place. When we moved to Kansas, I looked online for
directors but didn’t come up with much. It caused me to question if this path
was just something I was making up. Did God really put this “tug” in my life? Or
did I create this idea because of the ties I had to certain individuals in
another place?
I’ve tried to hold those questions loosely over the last few
months. A rather large feat at times, I might add. I felt kind of disappointed
about the whole thing.
This week, I got an e-mail with the words “spiritual
direction” in the subject line. Looks like someone in my new church is working
on her certificate (I didn’t even know there was a program nearby!) and needs
directees to complete her practicum requirements. I, of course, volunteered in
about three seconds.
I’m quite excited about it. I can’t wait to see what this
opportunity reveals. Even if this experience shows that being a spiritual director
is not for me, it’s another chance to see what God is up to as He continues to
work on me, in me, and through me.
If you’re curious about spiritual formation, disciplines, or
direction, here are a few resources that offer more detailed information:
"A Place for Spiritual Direction" article by Jamin Goggin
Sacred Companions:The Gift of Spiritual Friendship & Direction by David Benner
Spiritual Disciplines Handbook: Practices that Transform Us
by Adele Calhoun
Oh, goodness! Becca, this is so exciting. I think you would make an INCREDIBLE spiritual director. Praying for you as you pursue this leading with great joy!
Grace & peace,
Tara Owens, CSD
Yes Becca, this has been the desire of your heart for a long time. There is no doubt in my mind about your gifts the Lord has graced you with. This desire was instilled in you for His glory! I'm excited with you.
Tara - Thank you so much! Your words and prayers mean a lot.
Sandi - Thanks for being such a wonderful sacred companion time and time again.
I am so glad to read this! What program is in KS?
The program is Souljourners, out of Mount St. Scholastica in Atchison, KS.
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