In the past year, I’ve thrown off many cashiers when they go
to punch in a phone number, beginning with area code, to connect my purchase to
their club card. Nope, the area code not 913 or 816. It’s 719.
“Where is that?” they frequently ask.
“Colorado Springs. We moved here recently.”
A common response was, “Why? Why would you leave Colorado
to come live here?”
I may wonder this for the rest of my life. Though I have
inklings, I don’t have the logical answers of why we came here for a year, only
to return home. But I can say I learned a few lessons while living in the
Sunflower State.
First of all, it’s important to note that Colorado Springs
has a unique atmosphere. The city is home to over 100 Christian organizations.
It is politically and religiously conservative. It is also saturated with
churches. I grew up there and moved back shortly after college. By this time I
was married, and we had a little girl.
Upon my return, I worked fulltime while my husband attended
graduate school. I was quickly
subjected to the reminder that good mothers
don’t work. I had heard this growing up. But this time it was my reality. I received
off-handed comments at baby showers, bridal showers, and other gatherings.
In addition, this mentality was discussed on a daily basis
in my workplace, not specifically at me, but it was a regular topic nonetheless
because of the atmosphere of the city. I only knew of one other working mother
in my sphere of interaction. I felt alone and rejected for years.
Kansas, however, knows nothing of these divides. At least, I
never ran across it this year. That fact has been incredibly freeing for me,
and it was nice to have a bit of distance as I sort out more of who I am and
how I’m gifted.
Along the way, I was blessed with a wonderful new friend who
happens to be a stay-at-home mom. She and I helped one another in a myriad of
ways and encouraged one another, not only in our roles as mothers, but pretty
much just in life. I had never experienced this, and I am incredibly grateful
for my friendship with Jessica. I have a feeling we will be friends for life,
no matter where the years take us.
In addition, with regard to work, I got a taste of the
freelancing life when I lost my job in December. I miss collaborating with a
team and being a part of “something bigger” in a corporate sense. I have
leadership skills that are going unused.
While in Kansas, our family was in leadership at a church.
This is the first time in my life I’ve run across women who are considering
ordination. It’s one thing to consider this kind of situation as an “issue” to
debate. It’s another thing when you are sitting across from a woman in a coffee
shop and you know, without any doubt, that they should be leading and
ministering in a formal role in the local church.
My mind raced for months as I investigated women and
equality—in the church, in the home, in the work place. You may recall
this post on redemption.
I read a large document about Genesis 3, written by a Denver
Seminary professor and read through a paper on 1 Peter 3 written by a seminary
student I know (nope, not my husband…but that’s a good guess!). I read blogs. I
read my Bible. I read commentaries. I discovered the household codes in the epistles
are often taken out of cultural context. I couldn’t find any place where Jesus
emphasized men as the only leaders, in the religious setting or in the family. Nor
could I find any place where Jesus said parenting is our highest calling, as I
had been told for so long. Think of all the singles and childless couples this mentality isolates! I shake my head.
In the Bible, there are only a few pages that specifically
address women and their roles in society. But we have thousands of pages about
what it looks like to follow God. Why are we ignoring this fact and churning
out stacks of “Bible studies” that teach us how to be the Proverbs 31 women or
the next Ruth? I am a follower of God first and foremost. That is my highest
I try not to think of all the years that seem “wasted” by
the legalism I subjected upon myself. The truth is, I have been uneasy about
all of this for a long time. Really, for decades. And I never said anything.
Why take the unnecessary risk of being labeled a feminist? That’s not going to
go over well in youth group, no matter how much you want to ask the questions.
And then there was the belief at Bible college that women
only get degrees in case their husband dies or just so they can homeschool
their children effectively. Really?! Not so that they can steward the gifts God
has given them in whatever capacity they feel God is leading them to pursue?
I suspect I would have come across these truths as some
point in my life. But Kansas gave me the space and freedom to explore my
questions without judgment and to form some conclusions too. Kansas put faces
to my wonderings. And I will never be the same. I am grateful.
So, as I ponder my imminent return to Colorado, I feel more confident
as a follower of God, as a writer, as a mother and wife, and as a leader in the
church. I carry hope as I return to the Rocky Mountains.
Goodbye, Kansas. Hello, home.
Possible resources:
A Week of Mutuality” posts by Rachel Held Evans (Strangely,
prior to these posts, similar phrases were ringing in my head. I thought Rachel
provided a well-written, well-researched summary of necessary questions and thoughts
with regard to women and equality.)